The Gray Skirt, Part III: Style.
Okay... Now we have the perfect Beginner's canvas, here's where the fun starts.I believe the look of a skirt points out the direction your outfit will go down for the day. Sweet? Quirky? Sexy? Flirty? All these elements are fun to have in your wardrobe, specially when you're in a come-out-and-play mood. but the one style a lady must never banish from her wardrobe is The Classic -- a hand in her favor, with good manners and comportment for trump cards.
I'd been fancying to turn the project into a simple soft-pleated skirt I adored in one of my Japanese sewing magazines. Modest, tasteful, elegant. I was not entirely sure how merciful pleats would be on a curvy figure, but there was only one way to find out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
It was then that I realized, after measuring, folding, and checking notes, that(1) the skirt's waist diameter would not be enough to give the real pleat style justice, and (2) The back panel was taller than the front. Having swallowed and said that, I began working with what I had. I had to Improvise.
Eventually, I settled on a large box pleat in front, and two mini Watteau-ish pleats on the back of the skirt. From then on, pin, pin, pin.
Very carefully, I began sewing the vital parts of the pleats together. Again, giving the pleats a good press from a hot iron works wonders. The pressed pleat edges may serve as points of reference, should you let go of it or lose track. After attaching an invisible zipper to the side, voila! All done.
Not quite how I expected it to turn out, but I do reckon it still works. What do you think?
*sigh of relief* Well... that's that.
I've reluctantly shown the finished product to online galpals and stylist buddies for two reasons: One, I was really quite unsure if it was a success or a failure, and Two, I think I may have just made something accidentally Lolita. (Hmm... On one hand, I may have ended up channeling some of Atelier Boz's designs here. Ah well...) In truth, I was quite relieved to hear a good array of mixed positive reactions and with what genre of style it would fit into best. (It was a toss up between Steampunk and Lolita, Goth came in second, Cosplay and even -- gasp! -- Punk.) It's a comfort to know that the skirt is versatile by itself, and will not be "boxed" into one particular fashion.
All this made me realize that I'd best wear this with a petticoat, black stockings and these babies, and that it would be, er, prudent to keep this safe until I've something fitting to wear it to, like a social dress-up gathering, a cosplay event (should I have the nerve to go), or until a sheer maniacal glee to feed off the attention and shock of the common folk seizes me. (Which I hope will not come all too often or too soon.)
I must say it was quite interesting (and might I say satisfying) to see the results of this exercise. I do know it looks rather costume-y, and that part makes me feel good about it. I guess this might be the Theater side of me coming out to breath, and I wouldn't mind going through this process all over again.
Something in the corner of my head starts teasing, "okay, so what's next, Aristocrat or Madam?", but I'll be leaving that to the gods of creativity to steer me to my next project. Hmm, maybe a nice, decent everyday skirt. We'll see. :)
Care to leave a comment? I'd love to hear what's on your mind. :)