Three Panels: The Indo-Tile Skirt (April 7, 2008)

Sunday, June 08, 2008 Jonette 0 Comments

Hello again, everyone. It's mostly catch-up season for me updating this blog. It seems the projects have been happening quicker than I can blog about them. There's work to be busy about and the boyfriend to take care of on weekends, so please do bear with me. (and thank you!)

A couple of weeks ago, I had Saturday all to myself: James had to watch over his dad while his family went off to visit their province. It was an opportune time for me to (1) catch up on my sleep, (2) my chores, and (3) my sewing. I wanted to make sure I could get out as I could of this day, so after a meal and some tidying up, I went right to it.

There were two things on my list I wanted done by the end of the day:
  1. Replace the burnt ribbon hem of the Not-So-Loli skirt ( which will be discussed in a future post) ; and

  2. Finally hem and sew a wrap-around skirt I'd cut up and placed on the back burner for two weeks in a row.
After finishing with #1 at around 6:00 in the evening, I began hemming the remaining raw edges of the three panels. the cloth I used was amazingly airy, soft, and silky to the touch, despite that it was made of pure cotton. It was a joy to iron, and almost entirely wrinkle-proof. Not bad for a summer skirt, eh? ^_^Indo-skirt shot

By the time I'd sewn up all three panels into a large one, I was already getting very sleepy. I remember seeing the clock read 8:55pm, and I still had to mark, cut, and sew a tie-up waistband. So, pretty much, I ended up responding the way most lethargic, novice needle-workers would respond: "goddamn it, I'm finishing this skirt tonight one way or another."

In times like these, garter is a sewing girl's best friend.

In the end, I now have a fluid, three-paneled skirt I'd love to wear on a daily basis. I love the way it swishes when I walk. I wear them like a triangle from above: two panels in front on each side, and one flat at the back. This set-up somehow reminds me of my college-theater days (the wide, flowy pants impression, I guess. )

I owe my inspiration, thanks and apologies to this tutorial. I'd like to give this one more try and give the new skirt a proper wrap-around-tie waistband in the future. (Consider it another good excuse to go cloth-hunting and -shopping. ^_^)



Care to leave a comment? I'd love to hear what's on your mind. :)
